Competitive Advantage


Competitive Advantage makes this Education brand distinct and gives it leverage ensuring a unique selling point in the market. The Biggest advantage is 100% Free Education, this is the biggest unique selling point. There is no free school like Biddaloy Bangladesh in Bangladesh, therefore this is new and lucrative in the industry creating quick demand. E-Library is also 100% free, this is another competitive advantage as this will be the sole platform that will organize all books from Class 1 to Class 12 in an integrated system. All the content will be taught by reputed teachers who have 5 years of minimum experience, this will be a lucrative competitive advantage as students can find reliable teachers and their style of teaching under a single platform. A student can study in one school and find few good teachers only, however here the best of the teachers will be available in one click. 24/7 Availability of Helpline means students are eligible to contact and register any technical complain regarding the app that will be shortly fixed, students can also seek academic help from Teaching Assistant available in the Helpline. This platform of having a school and a helpline for support is highly unique. MCQ Tests from easy, Medium, Hard level are available on each chapter and subject. This test is also 100% free, this will also ensure competitive advantage of providing both free education and exam integrated inside the platform. Arrangement of International Standard Mock Test exams with a Registration fee of BDT 1000 covering Hall Room expenses, paper checking and examining fees. This will also grant a Certificate of Primacy School Diploma, Junior School Diploma, Senior School Diploma, and High School Diploma. This entire process of conducting International standard examination like British Council will encourage students to feel better prepared for their board exams at such a cheap rate. The pricing and process is itself a source of lucrative competitive advantage. Prizes, awards and free subscription for upper class Apps will be available for students who will do exceptional in Mock Exams.